Saturday, February 04, 2012

What is the best starting position technique?

Over the past three decades as a goalie coach , I have seen so many different variations of the goalkeeping starting position, some good, so very bad!

If yu have ten different keeper coaches this year, I will GUARANTEE you that each one of your coaches will show you a different starting position technique.

So what’s right goalkeeper starting position technique and what do I teach?

I have been taught by five ex international goalkeepers, and because of my proven results of the past 30 years for my students, my techniques are better than 99.9% of other goalkeeper coaches.

But I would not state my starting position technique is the right!

I think one of the BIGGEST errors coaches make is to think their technique is the best, and then make their students clones of themselves.

What a lot of in experienced keeper coaches do not understand is their students are all different and are individuals, so what is correct for one student, will not be right for another student. So a Gk coach should adapt is coaching to each students individuals needs.

Any goalkeeper trainer that states to his students, ‘You HAVE to stand like this, or you HAVE to put your hands in this position etc” in my opinion is either very in experienced or does not know what he is talking about.

As you grow and get older you will develop your own goalkeeping style, and it is up to your GK coach to murge his goalkeeping knowledge and experience with your personal style... this will then make you the complete goalkeeper that is suitable to you and your body.

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